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3D Animation Workshop Series

First workshop today @ 1-3 pm in the DH Center.

3D Animation Workshop

Digital Humanities Faculty Research Group

The faculty research group is a reading group of DH@SDSU that serves as the central hub for building a research community around topic and questions related to Digital Humanities. Faculty from across the colleges meet once-a-month (and over lunch!) to discuss readings in the field of digital humanities. In the process, we are creating a cohort of research faculty interested in exploring how traditional humanities matter in and for our digital world.

Mark Z. Danielewski

Today @ 2 pm in the DH Center.

Danielewski Talk

HIST 680 Digital Humanities Project Presentations

Join us in the Digital Humanities Center (LA 61) for presentations of digital projects from HIST 680 / MALAS 600A: Spatial Humanities graduate seminar. Students will share their digital projects about local LGBTQIA+ history. 

Queer Capital: LGBTQ Digital Advertising

Today @ 11 am in the DH Center. 

Queer Capital

Digital Studio arc Student Showcase

Today @ 4 pm in the DH Center.

Digital Studio Showcase

First They Came for Craigslist

Today @ 11 am in the DH Center.

Reynolds Talk

Elizabeth Losh, "Hashtag Histories"

Today @ 4 pm in the DH Center.

Kick-Off Event

Digital Storytelling through Photography

Digital Storytelling through Photography: Peggy Peattie’s “Tales of the Street San Diego”  
