Code of Conduct


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The SDSU Library is open more than 8,000 hours per year and serves over 3 million visitors. While the library's collections and services have been developed primarily to provide academic support for SDSU faculty, students, and staff; members of the public are also welcome to use the library for research, view exhibits, and attend library-sponsored events.

The SDSU Library seeks to provide all users with:

  • A welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment that promotes intellectual exploration and learning
  • Access to well-managed and diverse collections of library resources
  • Knowledgeable and helpful staff
  • Access to exhibits and library-sponsored events.

Access to Collections

The Library supports open access to the Internet and open access to most of our print collections. Access to the internet is governed by the CSU Responsible Use Policy. Some materials may not be appropriate for young children. Minors, except those who are college and university students, should be accompanied at all times by a parent or adult guardian. Parents and guardians, not the library, are responsible for their children’s use of all library services, materials, and facilities.

Ensuring an academic environment for all users requires each one to follow the SDSU Library’s Code of Conduct. Proper use of the library services, materials, and facilities shows respect for the institution, for the members of the university community, and for campus visitors. This code is applicable to all library users and is intended for the benefit of all.

Any persons who violate this Code, regardless of university affiliation, may be asked to leave the library facility in which the misconduct occurred and may be refused future access to the SDSU library facility. Such persons may also be subject to further actions if the misconduct is a violation of city, state, or federal law.

The SDSU Library’s Code of Conduct supplements the Standards for Student Conduct, public health guidelines and commitments, and other University policies.


Rules of Use and Conduct:


  1. Users are responsible for their personal property at all times and should never leave personal belongings unattended. The library is not liable for loss or damage to personal property.
  2. SDSU restricts smoking to designated areas of the campus. Smoking, or the use of any other form of tobacco, is not permitted in library buildings or in designated nonsmoking areas outside the library entrances. The university's Smoke-Free Policy can be viewed at:
  3. Bicycling, rollerblading, skateboarding, and skating are not permitted in, on, or around library buildings. Wheeled vehicles other than strollers and those used by persons with disabilities are not permitted in the library unless they can be carried as personal property. Bicycles, motorized carts, and other large wheeled vehicles must be parked in authorized areas and not at library entrances.
  4. Animals are not permitted in the library, with the exception of animals trained or being trained to assist people with disabilities.
  5. Unauthorized firearms or other weapons, fireworks, explosives, or other dangerous devices or substances are not permitted in the library.

Library Activities

  1. Users may not engage in any behavior that interferes with the ordinary use and operation of the library or fails to adhere to university policies, including policies designed to promote public health.
  2. Users may not interfere with any library employee’s performance of his/her duties. Such behavior may include but is not limited to verbal abuse, intimidation, excessive talking, sexual harassment, or harassment on account of race, religion, ethnic background, gender, or sexual orientation.
  3. Sleeping by students beyond a short study nap is discouraged due to safety concerns. Community users are reminded that the library is open to them for research purposes; sleeping is not allowed.

Use of the Collections

  1. Library materials, equipment, or property may not be taken from the library without proper checkout or authorization. Library materials must be returned on or before the expiration of the loan period or upon request by the library. Library materials may not be concealed in the library for any purpose.
  2. Library materials are not to be mutilated, defaced, or damaged in any way. This includes but is not limited to highlighting, underlining, or writing on pages; folding or removing pages or portions of pages; removing or damaging the binding; removing electronic theft devices or labels; or applying sticky notes, paper clips, or other damaging materials.
  3. Users may not maliciously access, alter, damage, or destroy any computer system, network, program, or data.
  4. Users must follow all posted restrictions and guidelines on the use of equipment and electronic resources. Licensed databases and online services are for the use of SDSU faculty, staff, students, and on-site users only, and use is regulated by the terms and conditions of SDSU’s agreements with the vendors and publishers of these electronic resources. In most cases the information contained therein may not be systematically downloaded or duplicated, transferred, sold, or otherwise commercially exploited.

Use of Library Facility and Equipment

  1. The SDSU Library promotes academic freedom by maintaining a neutral environment for intellectual inquiry. The entryway and immediate perimeter of the library are for pedestrian transit only.
  2. The library’s facilities may be used only for ordinary library activities and activities sponsored by the library. Certain facilities may be used for curriculum-related group activities, such as performances, exhibits, and meetings. Such activities must be approved in advance by appropriate library staff.
  3. Use of the library as a filming location (including still photography) must be approved in advance by authorized library staff. Any use of the names, marks, logos or trademarks of San Diego State University, SDSU, or abbreviations thereof is governed by CSU policy and California and Federal law.
  4. Users are required to leave the library at closing, during emergency situations and evacuations, and whenever requested to leave by library staff or public safety personnel. Failure to comply with a request to leave the library, when requested, may be addressed to the University Police.
  5. Users may not enter unauthorized areas of the library at any time.
  6. When the main library is closed, the 24/7 Study area is only available to affiliated users (SDSU faculty, staff and students).
  7. The SDSU Library has designated food/drink friendly areas. Food/drinks are not permitted in any area not designated as food/drink friendly. The food/drink policy may be viewed at:
  8. Vending, peddling, and/or solicitation of merchandise or services are not permitted within the library; this prohibition includes but is not limited to the following: begging, panhandling; distributing pamphlets, petitions, or other materials; and conducting non-University surveys.
  9. Two bulletin boards are provided to post notices; one in the 24/7 Study Area, the other in the entry to the Library Computing Hub. No other locations are to be used for such purposes.
  10. Users may not vandalize, deface, damage, or destroy library buildings, furniture, or equipment.

The SDSU Library and Information Access Conduct and Use Code is based in part, and used with permission, on the University of California San Diego Libraries' Code of Conduct.

Last Updated: August 2020