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Student Responsibilities for Academic Computer Use

As stated in the University Senate Policy File, dated August 2011. For the most current policy please visit

1.0. Computers

1.1. Computer users shall be liable for activities on their accounts. Relevant federal and state laws and university regulations shall apply. The university shall reserve the right to limit, restrict, or extend computing or communications privileges and access to its information resources. 

1.2. Acceptable Use 

1.21. University computing and communications resources shall be used only for the university-related activities for which they are assigned. 

1.22. Proper copyright permissions shall be obtained, and sources shall be properly cited. 

1.23. Users shall not engage in activities that compromise computer security, circumvent controls, disrupt services, or violate computer etiquette.

1.3. Legality and Enforcement

1.31. University policies shall not supersede federal or state laws. Illegal actions may result in prosecution. 

1.32. Violations of university computing policies may result in the revocation of access or the discontinuance of an account or the loss of computing privileges.

1.4. Privacy: Computer files, electronic mail, and computing accounts shall not be absolutely private and may be subject to access by various authorized persons in compliance with the California Public Records Act.

1.5. Operational procedures shall be determined and periodically reviewed by the Instructional and Information Technology Committee

2.0. Electronic Mail

2.1. Communication through electronic mail should be encouraged and supported in the same manner as in classrooms, publications, and correspondence through standard hard copy mail. Professional codes of conduct shall prevail, and users shall adhere to standards of civil communication. 

2.2. E-mail messages shall be the intellectual property of the source. Acknowledgment of the source should follow general citation guidelines. 

2.3. The e-mail system shall be managed like other campus communications. 

2.4. For university business, e-mail lists may be created. Persons may request deletion from such lists but shall otherwise know the information transmitted through such lists. 

2.5. Faculty and staff who request e-mail service shall have an e-mail account established and made available for their use. 

2.6. Administrative units shall keep the university informed about e-mail legalities. Persons should treat e-mail with the same caution as hard copy mail. 

2.7. Persons lacking legitimate business purposes for obtaining access to other persons' files or communications shall not use electronic mail and computer systems to access those files or communications.