Filming & Photography Policy


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Home >> About Us >> Policies & Guidelines >> Filming & Photography Policy

All requests to photograph or film in the library are directed to the Library Administrative Offices. Requests must be received at least 3 business days prior to the proposed date of filming; we reserve the right to deny any request not in compliance with this timeline. Individuals or members of the media wanting to take still or moving photographs in the library must receive permission from library management.

Request forms [PDF] must be completed for each project. The completed request is submitted to Library Administration.

  • Patrons must not be disturbed or asked to move.
  • No close photography or filming of users without their express consent.
  • Library operations must not be interrupted.
  • Any props brought in must be removed immediately after filming.
  • Any furniture moved during the project must be restored to its original location.
  • If the requester is a student, a faculty adviser's signature is normally required.

The approved request must be carried by members of the project while filming. If any disturbance is caused, any library employee, or the security guard, may ask project participants to cease filming/photography immediately.

If you are an outside party not affiliated with San Diego State University you should contact SDSU Business Affairs for approval. The Library Administrative Office must still be notified by any interested parties.