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Library Diversity Plan Intro/Summary

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Library Diversity Plan (pdf)

The SDSU Library diversity plan will be implemented within 3-5 years and will be in alignment with the campus DEI initiatives and the library strategic plan. While the ultimate responsibility for implementing this plan falls to the Dean of the Library, the standing library diversity council will provide general oversight for implementation.

The SDSU Library plan focuses primarily on the following 3 goals that are inline with the SDSU Campus strategic plan:

  • Goal 1: HIRING. Develop equitable and inclusive hiring practices for all library positions, including managers, faculty, staff, and student assistants, to reduce equity gaps and ensure best practices for diversity in hiring.
  • Goal 2: CLIMATE. Foster a climate of civility and respect among members across the University Library, particularly concerning perceptions of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Goal 3: RETENTION. Create an equitable and inclusive work environment where all library employees feel valued, are supervised consistently and transparently, and can pursue meaningful professional development opportunities.

To learn more about the SDSU Library Diversity Plan, you can view the video put out in July 2020 by the Library Diversity Task Force that worked to create the plan.