Home >> Events >> Digital Humanities Faculty Research Group
Feb 5 2018 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

DH@SDSU is restarting our monthly discussion group, wherein we read and discuss recent scholarship in the field of digital humanities over a yummy lunch. Our first meeting is February 5. Each month we will meet in our new DH Center in Love Library (LA 61), from 12-1, and lunch will be served. Feel free to come to any and all meetings, and invite your colleagues and top graduate students.

The dates for this semester's discussions are as follows: 2/5, 3/5, 4/2, 5/7

For our first meeting, we will continue our discussion of DH Infrastructure, started last semester with Patrik Svensson's talk. We will read excerpts from Signal Traffic: Critical Studies of Media Infrastructure, eds. Lisa Parks and Nicole Starosielski (University of Illinois Press, 2015). The text is available as an e-book from our library. 

"Introduction" by Lisa Parks and Nicole Starosielski (1-27)==*primary text for discussion*
Chapter 2: "Fixed Flow: Undersea Cables as Media Infrastructure" by Nicole Starosielski (53-70)
Chapter 3: "'Where the Internet Lives': Data Centers a Cloud Infrastructure" by Jennifer Holt and Patrick Vonderau (71-93)

DH Activities