Home >> Events >> Digital Humanities Tools Workshop: Scalar
Scalar workshop
Mar 3 2020 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

This workshop will be a hands-on tutorial in Scalar, a free, open source authoring and publishing platform designed for long-form, born-digital online scholarship. Scalar can be used for nonlinnear storytelling and the creation of electronic literature. See their showcase of featured projects to learn more.

Participants are strongly encouraged to register for a Scalar account well in advance of the workshop, as it can take several days to be processed.

Digital Humanities Center - LA 61 (Bottom of the Dome).

This event is part of the DH Tools Track in the Digital Humanities Center. These workshops help students and faculty expand their knowledge of digital tools. We’ll get hands-on with programs such as Twine and timeline and data visualization tools. For other tracks and events, visit our Events and Activities page

DH Events