Libraries and Sustainability: Working Toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the SDSU Library

A companion exhibit concentrating on how libraries are contributing to the UN SDGs has been created by Sciences Librarian Sarah Tribelhorn. The UN has noted that libraries are fundamental as key partners in this global work, as reaching the goals is dependent on libraries and information.

This exhibit was developed by first understanding the roles of all library employees in the SDSU library, and then relating these to the 17 UN SDGs. To obtain this information, a questionnaire was circulated to all staff and faculty. The questionnaire asked for a brief job description and a list of the most important projects and/or tasks that the employees were working on currently. Based on the responses received, the work being carried out in the library was related to the UN SDGs and posters were developed for each of the goals that the library is actively contributing to.

These posters describe how the University Library, and other libraries in our community, are focusing on solutions to the issues highlighted by the UN SDG goals. Part of the library's role includes access to information, protecting cultural heritage, and universal information literacy. Libraries help to provide information and resources, information literacy skills, and resulting knowledge to communities in ways that are tangible to achieve the SDGs.


In 2020, the OCLC Global Council commissioned a study of how libraries around the world contribute to achieving the U.N. SDGs. "Flip" each of these SDG "cards" to see how our commitment to "sustainability in libraries" plays out at SDSU!


UN Sustainable Development Goal 1


UN Sustainable Development Goal 1

  • Affordable learning solutions
  • Community support through IV campus library
  • Support Writing Center to empower community


UN Sustainable Development Goal 2


UN Sustainable Development Goal 2

  • Community support IV campus library food bank
  • Support campus-wide food drives

Good Health
and Well Being

UN Sustainable Development Goal 3

Good Health
and Well Being

UN Sustainable Development Goal 3

  • Collaborate with campus partners to promote health and wellness events
  • Inclusive pop-up displays


UN Sustainable Development Goal 4


UN Sustainable Development Goal 4

  • Inclusive study areas
  • Dedicated learner-based information literacy instruction
  • One-one research consultations


UN Sustainable Development Goal 5


UN Sustainable Development Goal 5

  • Library as a safe space regardless of gender orientation
  • Research support by women in STEM
  • Lactation room

Clean Water
and Sanitation

UN Sustainable Development Goal 6

Clean Water
and Sanitation

UN Sustainable Development Goal 6

  • Refillable hot and cold water stations throughout the library to reduce single use plastic

Affordable and
Clean Energy

UN Sustainable Development Goal 7

Affordable and
Clean Energy

UN Sustainable Development Goal 7

  • Reducing energy consumption through LED light fixtures
  • Research support on clean energy

Decent Work
and Education

UN Sustainable Development Goal 8

Decent Work
and Education

UN Sustainable Development Goal 8

  • Support discovery and use of career information resources
  • Student employment and internships
  • Provide financial literacy and support

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

UN Sustainable Development Goal 9

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

UN Sustainable Development Goal 9

  • Support learning and scholarship innovation through the Digital Humanities Center
  • Support entrepreneurship through ZIP launchpad mentoring
  • Data management


UN Sustainable Development Goal 10


UN Sustainable Development Goal 10

  • Open Access initiatives promote equitable access to scholarship
  • Open Educational Resources promote equitable access to educational materials

Sustainable Cities
and Communities

UN Sustainable Development Goal 11

Sustainable Cities
and Communities

UN Sustainable Development Goal 11

  • Building community through public programs
  • Promoting community engagement through partnerships with San Diego academic and public libraries

Consumption and Production

UN Sustainable Development Goal 12

Responsible Consumption and Production

UN Sustainable Development Goal 12

  • Environmental monitoring
  • Data management workshops
  • Ecofriendly supplies


UN Sustainable Development Goal 13


UN Sustainable Development Goal 13

  • Support campus-wide green initiatives
  • Access to environmental resources
  • Library Green Team

Below Water

UN Sustainable Development Goal 14

Below Water

UN Sustainable Development Goal 14

  • Support research of coastal marine ecology through collections, consultation and subject librarian expertise

on Land

UN Sustainable Development Goal 15

on Land

UN Sustainable Development Goal 15

  • Support research of ecosystem ecology and global change through collections, consultation and subject librarian expertise

Peace, Justice
and Strong Institutions

UN Sustainable Development Goal 16

Peace, Justice
and Strong Institutions

UN Sustainable Development Goal 16

for the Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goal 17

Five intersecting circles, forming a flower pattern

for the Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goal 17

  • Health Information Partnership
  • One Book One San Diego
  • Working towards UN SDGs through library exhibits